Sunday, June 1, 2008

So Its Official!

So its official, we never update our blog. Well, tonight I endeavor to change that. I guess I could update on our lives in North Carolina. Laura and I are generally staying fairly busy during the weeks, but for the summer at least are enjoying the weekends. We have been to a Durham Bulls baseball game and have tickets for another next weekend. Its a nice ballpark and is far more entertaining than any baseball on tv.
Laura is working on the inpatient rehabilitation floor at UNC hospital this summer as a field internship. She basically shadows her assigned professional Occupational Therapist and will even start doing some things she has learned on her own. I still work at The John R. McAdams Company. It has been very interesting and I continue to learn quite a bit every week.
Our cat is up for sale to the highest bidder. Just kidding. We are still going to tolerate her for a bit longer. She has learned how to stop hating us long enough to sleep by our feet for a few hours each night, which makes her almost like a real pet. Parents, a little work of advice here - when your children ask if they can get a demon possessed cat for a pet, regardless of how cute and furry, immediately say no!
We built a new computer recently, upon which I now type this post. Its amazing how fast the new tech is compared to something from five years ago (and with five years of accumulated junk programs and random stuff to slow it down).
Well, I suppose I will wrap it up for the night. If you haven't heard from us in a while please give us a call and say hi. TTYL.