Sunday, April 20, 2008

A new post: put it in the ground and staple up the wire...

Here is the post you have all been waiting for... well maybe. Perhaps the week long silence was my way of indicating that this may not be one of those blogs updated multiple times a day... or even one every day. I'll will try to post often, but genius cannot be forced and it may only come upon me rarely.
This past week has been a rather fine week. Work kept me busy. I was trying hard to finish a project for submittal either friday afternoon or monday. It was one of those situations where you knew there way no way it was going to happen and yet you had no choice but to try. Well God came through for me and the submittal date was moved two weeks back fo a reason other than that I did not have it ready. I have been in celebration mode all weekend because of the pushback (the alternative was a weekend date with my cube). Laura has been working on homework and several projects. The imminent week will be her last week of classes. After finals she will have a break for two weeks that we are both looking forward to.

1 comment:

Mark Robyn said...

I like your tree. I'm thinking about getting my mom a bonsai tree for mother's day. I don't know anything about them though.